Suppose the data we have is $(X_1,Y_1),…,(X_n,Y_n)$ and we fit it to the linear regression model: $Y=X\beta+\varepsilon,~\varepsilon\sim N(\boldsymbol{0},I_n)$. Now we make a duplicate of each data point and get a new data set of size $2n$. How would $\hat\beta$, $R^2$ and adjusted $R^2$ change if we fit the linear model with this new data set?


We consider the dupilcates are at the positions $n+1$ to $2n$. Then we have

\[X_{\text{new}} = \begin{pmatrix} X \\ X \end{pmatrix}~~ \text{ and }~~ Y_{\text{new}} = \begin{pmatrix} Y \\ Y \end{pmatrix}.\]


\[\begin{aligned} \hat\beta_{\text{new}} = (X_{\text{new}}'X_{\text{new}})^{-1}X_{\text{new}}'Y_{\text{new}} &= (2X'X)^{-1}(2X'Y)\\ &= ( X'X)^{-1}X'Y = \hat \beta, \end{aligned}\]

which implies that $\hat\beta$ does not change.

Recall the formula for $R^2$ is

\[R^2 = \frac{ \| \hat Y -\bar Y \| ^2}{ \| Y -\bar Y \| ^2 }.\]

Also, we note that

\[\bar{Y}_{\text{new}} =\begin{pmatrix} \bar{Y} \\ \bar{Y} \end{pmatrix} ~~ \text{ and } ~~ \hat{Y}_{\text{new}} = \begin{pmatrix} \hat{Y} \\ \hat{Y} \end{pmatrix}.\]

So we have

\[\begin{aligned} R^2_{\text{new}} = \frac{\|\hat Y_{\text{new}} -\bar Y_{\text{new}} \|^2}{\| Y_{\text{new}} -\bar Y_{\text{new}} \|^2} = \frac{2\|\hat Y -\bar Y \|^2}{2\| Y -\bar Y \|^2} = R^2, \end{aligned}\]

which implies that $R^2$ does not change either.

Now, let’s take a look at the new adjusted $R^2$. Recall the relationship between $R^2$ and adjusted $R^2$:

\[R_{\text{adj}}^2 = 1- (1-R^2)\frac{n-1}{n-p-1} = R^2- (1-R^2)\frac{p}{n-p-1}.\]

For this new data set, $R^2$ and $p$ remain the same while $n$ becomes $2n$. So from the above equation, we see that $\frac{p}{n-p-1}$ decreases. Since $-(1-R^2)<0$, $R_{\text{adj}}^2$ should increase.

Here are some intuitions behind these results:

  • The quantities $\hat\beta$ and $R^2$ both measures the linear correlation between $X$ and $Y$. They should not change even if we duplicate the data set many times.
  • Adjusted $R^2$ is a good measure when evaluating model fit. When we make observations on each data point multiple times, we are more “confident” that our model is good.